Rise and fall of Piccolo

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The begining...
Piccolo Senoir vs Kamesennim

These two begin to fight, kame is easily overpowred and defeated. even though kame is weaker he gets a few good hits.

Kame attacks... then dies
Kame does a mufuba and hurts piccolo daimo but then kills kame.
Piccolo Daimo vs Chibi Goku
Piccolo and gokuu have a stand off and piccolo is a little stronger and beats up goku, but goku is mad aand pounds him back.
Piccolo dies
goku carges and blast right through piccolo, piccolo dies but he spits out an egg, PICCOLO JR. IS BORN!
Piccolo is born
Piccolo vowes to get revenge for his father, and now he wants to destroy goku, so he trains for many years.
The Tournament begins
Kuririn vs Piccolo;

Piccolo and kuririn duke it out, piccolo obviously stronger easliy defeats kuririn, as they fly in the air piccolo know him to the ground, kuririn get about 1 or 2 hits on piccolo.
Piccolo vs some guy who can speak namekian?
Aucually this human guy puts up and ok fight but piccolo quickly gets tired of foolin around and blows him away with a blast.
Piccolo wins
Piccolo uses a weird lookin blast and blowsw that guy away with great ease. next oppenent the long awaited match against gokuu!
Piccolo vs Gokuu
Piccolo starts off strong against gokuu, tearing him to shreds, but gokuu comes right back and messes up piccolo pretty bad.
After gokuus little comeback piccolo shoots a concentrated blast right through gokuus shoulder what will happend next!!!
Going up!
After piccolo is beaten up a bit piccolo grows to a humongous size and crushes goku, but gokuu takes out piccolo evil jar and piccolo turns back normal.
Gokuu learns how to fly and goes way up in the air and rams straight into piccolo!
Piccolos Fall
When piccolo was hit he fell out of the ring right to the ground. piccolo was gonna die, but gokuu gave him a senzu bean and let him live. Piccolo said youll should have let me die, then flies off.

Thats it, thanx dbvortex for the pix, thats it folks!
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