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Piccolo's life
Piccolo is introduced in the Dragonball episodes, Gokuu as a child flies right through piccolo daimo ( piccolo's dad ). Right before piccolo daimo dies he spits out an egg. Piccolo jr. is born an vowes revenge for his father. Piccolo and Gokuu battle in the tournament. Piccolo grows about 70 ft. tall and pounds Gokuu. He shrinks back down to fight again. Gokuu is bruised bloody and can barley move. Piccolo is also very hurt but able to fight, Piccolo shoots a blast then Gokuu crouches up and does a kamehame wave and defeates piccolo.Gokuu gives piccolo a senzu bean and lets him live, and piccolo still vowes revenge. Years later there is a big reunion at Kame's house. Everyone is there, kuririn, yamcha, bulma, ect. Then a strange man comes to there house Gokuu's brother radditz. Radditz kidnappes gohan (gokuu's son). So kuririn and Kamesennen get ready to help, then piccolo shows up. Everyone is scared (piccolo easily defeated kuririn in the last tournament and kame was killed by piccolo long ago) Piccolo says " You'll never suceed your too weak!" So piccolo teams up with gokuu. so they fight raddditz and are easily beatten up. Piccolo's arm is blown off by radditz blast, and gokuu is hurt. Gohan used his hidden power and pummeled radditz, then gokuu grabbed radditz and piccolo shot a makansoppo right through gokuu and radditz. After that radditz said 2 stronger saiyans were coming ( Vegeta and Nappa). so piccolo kidnapped gohan to train him. 2 years later the saiyans came. Tienshahan, yamcha, choatzu, piccolo, kurin,piccolo, and gohan were ready to fight. Nappa planted some saibamen and the z fighters fought them. Yamcha killed 1 and tien did, yamcha got gainged up and was blown up by saibamen. Kuruin was pissed and let out a hudge blast and killed all but 1 saibamen and piccolo got him with a mouth blast. The blast didnt even hurt Nappa and vegeta. So all the z fighters fought a good fight against nappa. Tien's arm was ripped off and was killed. Choatzu grabbed nappa and blew himself up. It barley hurt nappa and angered him. All that was left was gohan, kururin and piccolo. piccolo was earths last hope. HE and the others roughed up nappa pretty bad. Nappa shot a hudge blast at gohan and piccolo jumped in the way and took it for gohan and died. Piccolo bought enogh time and gokuu showed up. He killed nappa and fought a long hard fight with vegeta. Vegeta battered and bruised nearly escaped krillen and flew away on a space pod. Kuruin had yajirobies sword. So bulma kurin and gohan went to namek to wish piccolo back, gohan ,vegeta, and kurin fought freeza aFTER WISHING PICCOLO BACK. piccolo then showed up and fouhgt freeza after fusing with nail. He nearly defeated freeza, Theb freeza over powered piccolo on his 3rd form. Gokuu showed up and fought freeza for a while. Freeza shot 2 finger blast and piccolo jumped in front of gokuu and took a hit right through the arm, but lived. the other hit krillen and killed him. Gokuu was PISSED and turned ssj or super saiyan. He fought freeza and defeated him then the planted blew up. Years later, everyone got wished back instead of gokuu. Years went by and then came Androids 17 and 18. Gokuu returned with a heart desease and had to recover, so piccolo fused with kami and became the most powerful z fighter for a while. and was an even macth with android 17. Then cell showed up and piccolo put up a good fight but 17 was absorbed and 18 was later absorbed. During the cell games cell fought gokuu and he put up one hellava fight. bUT HE sacrificed hiself and died, so cell let out cell jrs. and piccolo probably did the best, tien and yamcha also put up good against them. So then gohan went ssj2, and killed cell. So 7 years later babidi came, and so did gokuu and the martial arts tournament. piccolo had to fight kaioushin or the supreme kai and forfeited. he was too strong,Shi and the others went to look for babidi. They met dabura and piccolo and krillen was turned to stone, Later buu killed dabura and piccolo and kurrin was back. Piccolo then killed babidi with a karate chop witch cut him to peices. Years and years later another saiyan the most deadliest Broli fought with gokuu, and piccolo offered to help. They did ok and then trunks and goten killed him with a masenko. Piccolo later fights bojack but is defeated, gohan killed him with a single punch! In Drangonball GT everyone has to leave earth because it is about to explode. Piccolo says no i love this earth too much to leave and give up. So it exploded and he died.

Well thats about it, what a strong great warrior piccolo is.

Look out yamcha, piccolo beaten up cell jr.
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
  Piccolo pics
here are some cool pics of piccolo

For more piccolo stuff click here for my old site

Piccolo review
Well i hope u learned alot about piccolo and like this section, i worked hard and had fun doing this section. i will keep adding new stuff. so if anyone ever says would did piccolo ever do, tell this bio.

Randysdbz version 1.0

Piccolo dies for gohan
This is when nappa shoots a hudge blast at gohan.

Piccolo's signature move
This is the makansoppo a very deadly blast.